Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year...New Goals

We had a wonderful holiday season. As much as I love the Christmas decorations, it's always nice to have a clean house at the beginning of the year.

With the new year, comes new goals. My goals are pretty simple this year. I want to stitch more from my stash, and try to keep the new purchases to a minimum. I'm sure this will only last until market in February, but at least I have a couple gift certificates to my LNS to use when the new things arrive.

As far as stitching project totals go, my goal is 30 projects this year including 12 Christmas ornaments. I also have some reading goals this year too. I have a huge pile of books just waiting to be read. My goal is to read 24 books during 2009. That's only 2 books a month, which should be doable. As far as knitting goals go, I'm going to keep it small this year. I'd love to have 3 new pair of socks to wear by the time fall rolls around. As much as I enjoy knitting socks, I really love to cross stitch. My craft room is packed with stitching projects, many of which are already kitted up and ready to go. 2009 is the year to start making a dent in them.

I also plan on getting back to posting on the Let's Stitch Blog on Friday nights. Even if I only have a few hours to stitching, instead of the six that it runs for, it will help with my yearly goals.

Until next time...hopefully with the first 2009 finish to show!

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